ADHD: a truly complex condition

As you can see from the info-graphic, ADHD is a complicated condition with many presentations. It’s not something that your average teacher will either know in detail or understand. It is certainly not a subject that is covered in anywhere near this depth in...

Penny for your thoughts…CBT on point

I think the expression ‘ penny for ’em?’ is a bit old now, but the sentiment behind the words still stands. Seeing someone vacantly staring into space, their mind clearly somewhere else, prompts the innocent question. The day dreamer will usually...

Supporting ADHD & resilience

It’s well-evidenced that the parts of the brain responsible for organisation and forward planning, are impaired in children and young people with ADHD. This is in addition to possible emotional regulation issues, anxiety, impulsivity, learning disability or even...

I don’t see the point

  “I don’t see the point?” have you ever heard a young person in your care say this? Your first reaction might be to think they’re rude or defiant. But what if they are on the autistic spectrum?  It’s not the obvious thing most...

Reviews, Exclude, Recycle

Tuesday, saw the publication of the Timpson Review on exclusions. As I was replying to emails in my PJs on Tuesday morning, I got an email from Channel 5 News, no less, asking me to comment on the review. After a brief telephone chat with news editor, they decided to...