Building self-esteem in young people

I’m looking forward to this week, even though it’s crazy busy and I have twenty tabs open on my screen and I can’t remember what I was going to do next, I am grateful be to working in an area that is making a difference. It’s a joy to see...

S.E.N.D. in the Clowns

I haven’t written my 2020 goals yet, I do it every year as it helps my ‘butterfly brain’ to focus and yes they will be smart goals, just as I remind people to do in the #happyinschool sessions. The start of a new year/decade encourages you to look...

Coming clean about mental health

I feel this might be the first post of many on this issue. I’ve been thinking a lot about mental health, what it means for people who are affected and those who support them. You probably know someone who is having difficulties with mental health issues right...

Resilience for children & young people with autism & ADHD

Creating a calm space for autism parents is an essential part of the #happyinschool project’s philosophy. However, some families require practical help them support their children get from point A to point B. Imagine Point A is when you’re unable to manage...

Supporting ADHD & resilience

It’s well-evidenced that the parts of the brain responsible for organisation and forward planning, are impaired in children and young people with ADHD. This is in addition to possible emotional regulation issues, anxiety, impulsivity, learning disability or even...

Express Yourself – Autism Education & Exploration

One of the voluntary organisations I work in partnership with to deliver the #happyinschool project is Kingston based Express CIC. Express is a user-led voluntary organisation set up in 2012 with the aim of building a better future for young autistic people in the...